Andere Veranstaltungen


02.05.2015 14:00

2.5.  FAŽANA, waterfront, car park in front of the Badel building; registration: 13:00, start: 14:00

 Two routes A = 12.5 km (mini) B = 28 km (maxi)

In the case of rain, the tour will take place on Saturday May 09th

Online registration  till 30.04.

Opening of the new path St. Elisius

After the cycling tour, there will be a get-together and refreshment for all participants followed by an interesting programme dedicated to a local fishing tradition in Fažana (how to salt pilchards).

Come and join us on two wheels!

All cyclists who participate in 4 or more tours enter the raffle at the final event in Medulin.

The main raffle prize is a gift voucher worth 3,000 kn

General sponzor BI village

Sponsor: B.R.B. Sport, Malupe, Bike Peroj
Parter: Arenaturist

Organisers: Pula, Vodnjan, Medulin, Fažana, Ližnjan, Marčana and Barban tourist boards

Co-organisers : BK Pula, BK Peroj, KBBXS Adrenalina, BK Fažana, DSRIK Šišan

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